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Degree Programs

Degree programs in the Department of Linguistics equip students with skills in technical writing, research, and collaboration while gaining knowledge relevant to fields of linguistics, speech language, pathology, language instruction, and beyond.

Undergraduate CatalogGraduate Catalog

Program Overview


For information on admission requirements for B.A. degrees, please consult the Undergraduate Catalog or Admissions in the University main pages.

Requirements for the degree of B.A. in Linguistics

To earn a liberal arts major in linguistics, students must complete the following program of study. Credits toward the major will only be allowed for courses completed with a grade of 2.0 or higher. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for courses included in the major.

  1. A minimum of 44 credits including:
    1. Required courses
      • LIN 2201 - Introduction to Linguistics (4) (with a grade of C or higher)
      • LIN 4303 - Introduction to Phonology (4)
      • LIN 4304 - Introduction to Syntax (4)
      • LIN 4403 - Phonological Theory (4) or LIN 4404 - Syntactic Theory (4)

        Plus two courses (8) from the following three options:

      • LIN 4302 - Historical Linguistics (4)
      • LIN 4305 - Phonetic Theory (4)
      • LIN 4307 - Introduction to Semantics (4)

    2. Capstone course
      • LIN 4470 - The History of Linguistics (4) (fulfills the university general education requirement for the capstone experience and for a writing intensive course in the major or general education).

    3. Sixteen additional credits of ALS or LIN courses, with at least 12 credits at the 3000-4000 level.

  2. Either one year's study of a single foreign language, including American Sign Language, or LIN 4409.
  3. Only two ALS or LIN courses at the 1000 and 2000 level will be accepted for credit toward the major.
Requirements for the liberal arts minor in linguistics

To earn a liberal arts minor in linguistics, students must complete a minimum of 20 credits, to include:

  1. LIN 2201 (with a grade of 3.0 or higher), 4303, 4304, and either 4403 or 4404.
  2. At least 4 credits from 4000 level LIN or ALS courses.

Credits toward the minor will only be allowed for courses completed with a grade of 2.0 or higher. A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is required for courses included in the minor.

Requirements for the modified major in Linguistics with a minor in Computer Science, B.A. Program

To earn the modified major, students must complete:

  1. A minimum of 24 credits in linguistics courses to include LIN 2201 (with a grade of 3.0 or higher), 4303, 4304, 4470, and either 4403 or 4404. LIN 4470 fulfills the university general education requirement for the capstone experience and for a writing intensive course in the major or general education.
  2. A minimum of 20 credits in CSE courses as follows:  CSE 120 and 130; and three courses chosen from CSE 220, 247, 248, 251, 230. At least 12 of these credits must be taken at Oakland University. An average grade of at least 2.0 is required in courses counted toward this minor. See requirements for the minor in computing in the School of Engineering and Computer Science.
  3. PHL 370
Requirements for a concentration in linguistics with modified majors in other departments

Students may elect a modified major in anthropology, communication, English, philosophy, psychology, or sociology, with a concentration in linguistics.

The core in linguistics requires 16 credits including LIN 2201 (with a grade of 3.0 or higher), 4303, 4304 and either 4403 or 4404. An additional 4 credits are required for the specific concentration as follows: ALS 4374 or 4375 (anthropology), LIN 4305 (communication), ENG 376 (english), LIN 4307 or 4407 (philosophy), ALS 4335 (psychology), and ALS 4376 (sociology).

For requirements in the modified majors, consult the appropriate department.
Departmental Honors

The Department of Linguistics offers departmental honors to students who achieve a grade point average of 3.6 or above in specified courses. In the case of the liberal arts major, the courses include the eight required LIN and ALS courses and the two courses in the cognate area. In the case of the modified major with a minor in computer science, the courses include the six required LIN and ALS courses, the five required CSE courses and PHL 370. The department also recommends honors for students who have modified majors in other departments with concentrations in linguistics.

The Master of Arts degree in linguistics provides post-baccalaureate instruction in current linguistic theory and in applying general linguistics to teaching language arts or to teaching English to non-native speakers. The degree is intended to accommodate students who have done previous work in linguistics as well as those who have had little exposure to the subject.


Admission is selective. The department will consider applicants who hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and whose credentials, including transcripts and two letters of recommendation, give evidence of academic distinction. Applicants must explain, in a statement of purpose, their reasons for wishing to pursue graduate work in linguistics. Although an undergraduate major in linguistics is not a requirement for admission, applicants must demonstrate a knowledge of the basic principles of linguistics, as would be encountered in introductory linguistics courses.

A grade point average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) in undergraduate work is ordinarily the minimum standard for admission. At its discretion, the department may admit students of superior promise but deficient preparation provided that such students correct their deficiencies before commencing graduate work. Students may be admitted during any semester or session of the university calendar. Applicants to the program must have all their credentials in to the Office of Graduate Study no later than six weeks before the beginning of their initial semester of registration. After that time, and until the beginning of classes, they may apply for admission as special graduate students. However, not more than 12 credits earned as a special graduate can be applied toward the degree; therefore, the application must be completed as soon as possible. Upon completion of 12 credits, students will be evaluated for admission to candidacy and will choose an area of specialization.

Requirements for the degree of M.A. in Linguistics

The Master of Arts degree in linguistics will be awarded to the student who earns 36 credits in nine courses as specified below. Upon admission to candidacy, the student will choose an area of specialization from among the following three: linguistic theory, teaching English to speakers of other languages, and teaching language arts. Non-native speakers of English who wish to specialize in teaching English as a Second Language must satisfactorily complete and oral and written examination in English. At least 16 credits (four courses) of work must be in the area of specialization.  All students must take the Core Program of 12 credits which includes LIN 6998 (Graduate Seminar in Linguistics) or LIN 6999 (The Master's Thesis). When graduate courses are cross listed with undergraduate courses, graduate students will be required to complete additional work at the graduate level.

General Requirements

  1. 9 courses (36 credits)
  2. no more than 8 credits in courses from other departments
  3. no more than 8 credits in 4000-level LIN or ALS courses
  4. either (a) two years of foreign language study, or (b) one year of foreign language study and LIN 4409; in either case, demonstrated first year proficiency in at least one foreign language is required.  First year proficiency can be demonstrated by satisfactory completion of a language course at the 1150 level.

Core Program
(12 credits)

  1. LIN 5503 Introduction to Phonology
  2. LIN 5504 Introduction to Syntax
  3. LIN 6998 Seminar in Linguistics or LIN 6999 The Master's Thesis

Linguistic Theory (24 credits)

  1. LIN 5603 Phonological Theory or LIN 5613 Advanced Phonology
  2. LIN 5604 Syntactic Theory or LIN 5614 Advanced Syntax
  3. LIN 5502 Historical Linguistics or LIN 5507 Introduction to Semantics
  4. One (1) of LIN 5505 (Introduction to Phonetics), 5507 (Introduction to Semantics), or 5557 (Cognitive Linguistics)
  5. Two (2) electives

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (24 credits)

  1. LIN 5505 Introduction to Phonetics
  2. ALS 5518 The Teaching of English as a Second Language
  3. ALS 5519 Practicum (4 credits)
  4. Two (2) of ALS 5535 (Psycholinguistics), ALS 5517 (Models of Second Language Acquisition), ALS 5574 (Cross-Cultural Communication)
  5. One (1) elective

Teaching Language Arts (24 credits)

  1. ALS 5520 Linguistics and Reading or ALS 538 Theory and Practice in Language Testing
  2. ALS 5534 Language Development in Children
  3. ALS 5535 Psycholinguistics or ALS 5518 The Teaching of English as a Second Language
  4. LIN 5604 Syntactic Theory or LIN 5614 Advanced Syntax
  5. Two (2) electives

The Linguistics Department offers a minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. All students interested in completing the minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages must complete a minimum of 24 credits of course work. This program can also be completed by PreK-12 teachers as a post-baccalaureate. The courses required for the minor are:

  • LIN 2201 - Introduction to Linguistics (4)
  • LIN 4334 - Language Acquisition (4)
  • ALS 4375 - Language and Culture (4)
  • ALS 4418 - Teaching English to Multilingual Learners (4)
  • ALS 4438 - Curriculum, Material Design, Assessment, and Compliance (4)
  • ALS 4960 - Practicum (4; Please contact the Program Coordinator (Rebecca Gaydos) for more information)

Credit toward the minor will only be allowed for courses with a grade of 2.0 or higher. Students must satisfy the eligibility requirement described under Practicum Eligibility to obtain the minor.

Our TESOL coursework has been approved by the Michigan Department of Education and prepares student to take the PreK-12 Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) in the ESL endorsement (NS) subject area. Please note that the Michigan Department of Education requires the following of Education majors working toward their PreK-12 ESL/NS endorsement:

  • Completion of core content area program in conjunction with or prior to adding the ESL endorsement.
  • Candidates for completion must have completed a core content program in Elementary Education, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, or Mathematics as a base for the ESL/NS endorsement.
  • Students must demonstrate English language proficiency by meeting Oakland University's English language proficiency requirement upon registration for the program.
  • Students must also have documented experience learning a second language equivalent to two semesters' worth of college-level study in order to gain an understanding and appreciation of the processes of learning an additional language.
  • There is a required course ALS 4960 Practicum. Please contact the Program Coordinator (Rebecca Gaydos) for more information.

Empower your future success with the new speech language pathology (SLP) minor. Launching this fall, this program will prepare you for graduate studies in SLP.

Students interested in completing the SLP minor must complete a minimum of 24 credits of coursework. Credit toward the minor will only be allowed for courses completed with a grade of C or higher.

Required Coursework:
LIN 1182 - Language and the Brain (Fall and Summer)
LIN 2201 - Introduction to Linguistics (Fall and Winter)
LIN 4305 - Phonetic Theory (Winter)
LIN 4334 - Language Development in Children (Fall)
LIN 4340 - Language Related Disorders (Winter)
BIO 3006 - Head and Neck Anatomy (Fall)

Up to 12 credits of overlap are allowed between the major in linguistics and the minor in speech language pathology.